The Design Process
…starts in the field. On any given day I walk into the remote and beautiful nature of Kangaroo Island and find pieces of its creation which inspire me and become the heart of every Visual Poetry Print Design. The liveliness of nature's design in its endless forms, structures and colours is unparalleled. When an object catches my eye, be it a shell washed up on a secluded shoreline, a straw of grass wedged under a cliff or a feather buried in beach sand, I take it home to my studio as a treasure and will let it shine once more…
I usually like to sit, look and think of each object's history and how it came to be. I literally let them rest before I make any decision about their printing quality and placement within a printing composition. With time I have learned which objects need pressing, drying or cleaning for the best printing result. Once committed I place the chosen object(s) on a mono gel press, usually covered with a film of black ink only. This simple but versatile printing technique allows me to use the negative or positive format. It has a magical way of turning what might be considered imperfection into an incredible design. For example during the process some sand might fall off the object onto the printing plate. This ‘accident’ might give the print result the illusion of a night sky with each sand grain turned into a star. This flexibility in the printing process is so important when converting a 3 dimensional natural object into a 2 dimensional work of art without losing its vibrancy. Instinct has been my greatest asset in creating these designs. The key for me is to feel and not to think.
The initial print is then pegged to dry and rest again before I can see (or feel) if a print needs the addition of watercolour. Some prints come alive by adding one or multiple colours or the addition of a pattern. Some are best left alone in monotone. Again, this process is instinctive more than anything else.
Every step of designing and printing happens at my Kangaroo Island studio , including the final step of digitalisation and reproducing copies for my Bespoke Greeting Card collection. Each original print, each greeting card reproduction are hand stamped, packed by me and shipped from the island to you directly.
For me the joy of creating print designs which become greeting cards lies in the fact that you will add to the creative process by adding your thoughts. I am sure this will bring happiness to your loved ones and friends , making my work all the more worthwhile.